Kär familjen Johnson och väner!
Sounds like everyone is having a great week, busy but fun! I think a
lot of you forgot that I am 8 hours ahead of you so my monday is over before you
even start so write earlier to me! That is the only complaint I have ha, but I
do appreciate all of you writing and keeping me updated. Happy birthday Blake and Bus and whoever else!
We have a YSA center in main Stockholm where we go for all of our
meetings and just to chill, hangout and email on p-days. It is really nice being
able to drop off things there and not have to go all the way home and then all
the way back because it is really time consuming getting to our area. On p-day we
do our laundry (our dryer isn't very good) but it is on the floor below us so that is very
nice. We go shopping about 10 minutes away at Willys, probably the cheapest
store (they have american stores for food and stuff but it is super expensive. Even when you transfer the kronos to dollars it is still expensive ha.) Then we go hang out with people or play games for a long time and
then email and go proselyting or we are in charge of a spiritual thought at the
YSA FHE. All of us missionaries in the district are in charge of the center
so we take turns doing fhe, institute, or chill night (m,w,f).
The typical day for me here in the mission field is 1) wake up, pray, and
go workout on our balcony for 30 minutes thinking of things to do, then 2) we shower, eat, and get ready for the day. 3) we have personal study. 4) we have comp study, 5) language study, 6), lunch and
then head out to Lidingö and Gärdet. We usually have 2-3 lessons a day on
average, sometimes more sometimes less with members, less actives, and
investigators who sometimes feed us dinner. Half of the food they feed us is
good, and the other half is way awesome! They have potatoes with everything and
always have glas (ice cream) and cake which is soooo good! I don't know any of the
names of foods we have but it is cool. Oh, and everyone drinks Coke here.
So in between lessons we either contact,
swing by in-actives, or tract (not a whole lot of that). Then we go home, late
usually ha, and plan goals, write in the journal and then go to bed. I sleep
really well here in Sweden so that makes me happy. We work so hard and walk
around everywhere so by the end of the day I am exhausted and fall right to
sleep. It is a great blessing!
Ok so the weirdest thing here is people suck in air, like gasp, when they
agree with you. You will be talking to them and then they suck in and it just
throws you off cuz you are like, what?? Way crazy! I understand really well when
my comp talks to other people, but when they talk to me I have no understanding
whatsoever haha. I am getting better so its not bad. I just bought a
sweater, but I will get more and more the later it gets into the year. It has
rained the last 3 days and has been amazing!!! I love the rain and the weather
here! Right now it feels like December in St George which I love!! It is so nice
and I still wear my short sleeve shirt haha.
I love the fashion they have here,
I plan to getting some stylish clothes right before I come home. So
expect me to come home dressing really classy and super tight clothes (sorry
mom, its gonna be that way:)
We have a couple investigators that are doing good. Recently we have already seen a huge change in one.
She wants the Holy ghost so much in her life and has told us she wants to change some habits, even though we haven't had the lesson about the Word of Wisdom! The
spirit is already touching her so much, it is amazing. She has a dop dat
(baptism date) for the end of September. I m hoping the 28 of September because that is the
date I was baptized!!!! Yes i remember that, it was such a great day and has
changed my life so much because of it. I want people to experience this gospel
so much because it gives you such much joy and peace.
We had one guy who
was so cool and so ready for the gospel and just way humble. We had a fantastic
first lesson with him and he wanted to learn more and more. Then out of the blue
he texted us and said he was done. No explanation and was mad at us. We think he
has read some anti stuff or talked to people because he was doing so good. We
are really heartbroken about it. That is the one thing I feared
about going on a mission, is disappointment. You do so much but it all comes
down to peoples agency. We are struggling with that, but we just
got to do our best and know that the Lord loves us.
I just want to close and say you all need to do missionary work everyday.
Its so simple and could be just a smile to somebody. Do it. Do it now and
everyday! Even though we go through our disappointment with people, as long as
we do our best and rely on the Lord, that's enough. That's all he asks of us, and
if you do that you will know that he loves you. He will help you through
everything so go to Him all the time. Alma 37:37 pray all the day long and all
night for thanksgiving and gratitude and help. It will help you through
everything. In the bible dictionary, prayer has such a great definition. When you
understand the relationship with God being our Father and that we are His
children, prayer is habitual. You automatically go to Him first for
thanksgiving, for guidance, for help, just to talk to somebody, etc. DO IT! I
know prayer continues to help me each and every day. I have already had a lot of
hard days, but finishing off my day and finding good in the day I am comforted
by His spirit and it makes me want to go the next day! I love you all so much,
Hope all is well.
Med kärlek
Äldste Johnson
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