What a
strange, exciting, peaceful week. Sounds great, right? Right! It's pretty fun
having the sun set at 11.30 at night and rising at 3.30 the next morning haha.
It's not strange to me any more, i am used to it. We had zone conference and we
got ourselves a car. yup, just went out and bought one on our own... or the
mission gave us one. I don't remember. Crazy that there are so many weddings
going on and missionaries leaving and coming home. Life. Whew! Take a chill
pill. Ha, but let me give a birthday shout out to my g-pa Butler who turned 85
yesterday- Hooray!
Good place for a nap? |
Tis: We got blåsted so we decided to talk to people all along the sea wall
until time to go. We met up with the Ms to get on the boat to the mainland for zone conference the next day. The Ms have tons
of funny stories so that's how we spent our 3 hours on the boat. Oh, and we
got a hamburger on board -super good. We spent the night with the Elders in my
old stomping grounds of Handen.
Saying goodbye to friends |
They are both really tall! |
Ons: Last zone conference of my mission!! Whooo! Crazy, I know. It was
super good. I got to see a lot of friends for the last time. That was kind of
sad. I wore my new Swedish suit and tie for the occasion ha. I was asked to help
participate in the conference by answering some questions the assistants pulled
out: What does it mean to you to be obedient, why are you obedient, what does it
mean to represent the Lord Jesus Christ, and how has your mission changed you?
All really good questions. My answers all focused around Love. Love is the
essence of the gospel, quite simply. Love is the reason I am obedient -love is
the reason we have commandments to follow. I serve God and my fellow man because
of the love I have for them. The purpose of the mission is to change hearts.
Especially your own. If nothing else, as long as you have become converted on
your mission, you have been successful. I have seen lots of missionaries come
and go. I figured that when it was my turn to leave that I would be super
nervous, anxious and scared. Not so.
I have never felt more peace in all of my
life and mission than I did standing at the pulpit giving my "dying testimony"
in Swedish. It was one of the greatest experiences ever! To have a clear
conscious that I have done everything that I could do on my mission, is
incredible. I think those who feel nervous at the end feel the need to make up
for lost time. I feel like I have done everything in my power, and it feels so
We made the return trip back to Gotland on the midnight boat and got to
keep the car. The office elders came with us because they were going to help the
Ms move into their new place. So, yes, it was a rather long and tiresome
Tors: We helped the Ms unpack and set up the furniture and all that good
jazz. Us 4 elders got to have the traditional Thursday lunch with the Hs-
peasoup and swedish pancakes:) We then gave them a quick tour of Visby because
they had a short time before heading back to the mainland. Plus, Sister
Beckstrand ordered us to get ice cream. I can't argue with that:) We got to
visit with E who is doing solid with the Book of Mormon and is growing stronger
and stronger in her testimony. We came home and just crashed, I was so exhausted.
Fun train ride |
Fre: We had a pretty successful run in the morning talking to people on the
streets. We had a solid lesson with this one girl who knew what we had would
change her life, but she still denied it. Gosh, those are always the worst.
Having people feel the spirit and then turn away from it. Well, hopefully she
finds the church again some day. We celebrated a birthday of a member in the
branch by riding a very old-school train and having some fika [refreshments.] It
was a bit of a hassle getting our dear sweet E on and off the train but it all
worked out in the end. Det löste sig [it solved itself ] ha. We finally got in
contact with A and R and they are still great. They want to be baptized but A is
worried about her family back in Africa not supporting them. However, they are
going forward!
Sön: We had a special Stake conference. Elder Holland spoke from Scotland and it was broadcasted all throughout the UK and Scandinavia. (The people participating were from the Edinburgh stake so I wondered if Ryan knows any of them!) The theme was that lasting peace can only come through Christ. And then Elder Holland thew down on the Book of Mormon! It was like round 2 from his conference talk a few years ago. The book is literally is the keystone of our religion. Without it, everything crumbles and falls and we have no church. It is our evidence of the truth. It is tangible and one can read, ponder and pray about its truthfulness. It was super solid. What a good day.
For some reason, Sunday morning I woke up thinking about the scripture in
Joshua 24:15 "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve...but as for me and my
house, we will serve the Lord". I was thus led to think of the scripture in Matt
6:24 "No man can serve 2 masters." Which then brought me to think of D&C 4:2
"O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve Him with all of your
heart, might, mind and strength.." One right after the other-it was incredible.
We really do have a choice every day to serve God or mammon. And if we do serve
God, lets do it wholeheartedly. Today is the day for us to perform our labors.
This is the day we stand up for what we believe. This is the day we choose to
serve the Lord for His promises are sure: "Ye shall have eternal life".
Jag tackar min himmelske konung att jag får vara en herrens tjänare, en
kristi representant. Missionen har verkligen ändrat mitt liv. Det är inte bara
de här två åren att jag tjänar Honom, det är hela mitt liv. Mitt hjärta har
ändrats otrolig mycket. Jag älskar Herren. Jag älskar verket. Välja denna dag
att tjäna Honom.
I thank my
Heavenly King that I get to be a servant of the Lord, Christ's representative.
The mission has really changed my life. It is not just these two years that I
serve Him but my whole life. My heart has changed incredibly much. I love the
Lord. I love the work. Choose this day to serve Him.
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