Movember ( mustache November) haha |
Well Hello There Allihopa! Thank you for all the love and support you send to me, I truly appreciate
it. This week was kind of chilly -it got down to -5 Celsius (23 F) one
day, and we actually played soccer that morning ha!
Mån: We had a very awesome pday last week. We did our emailing, and headed
to Port 73, where we do our grocery shopping -plus it is a huge shopping center.
So we just chilled there. We spent time
predicting each other's future- basically setting up a very detailed lengthy
description of how we were going to meet our wives. Hahaha it was intense and
super funny! We had a member dinner and then finished the day contacting.
Tis: Things are looking really positive with S while F is doing great preparing for a mission. We had a member dinner and we
got into some deep doctrine discussions- haha those are always interesting.
Ons: Zone Conference! Wow, that was amazing. It took the whole day!
Seriously, we didn't get to see the sun because we got there at 9 am- sun still
not all the way up, and ended at 5pm with the sky pitch black. Thats still
shocking to me haha. President's focus was on unity. He asked us
to think about something that we can sacrifice right now, to give to the Lord,
to show Him we want to be more united in this great cause. Sis B talked about warm hands- service brings warm hearts and
unites us with the Lord. As well not getting discouraged when we dont see the
fruit of our efforts (think Abinadi.) The assistants went
over Companionship Study as a way to strengthen comp unity. It was super solid,
and we learned lots from everything! I love it!
We later met up with G and D. It was so spiritual. I realize
that the simpler you teach and testify of the gospel, the more powerful it is.
We also participated in a less-active blitz with Västerhaninges ward. We went on
exchanges with them to contact as many less actives as possible. My comp and I
went out to Nynäshamn where we actually had a cool thing happen to us. We contacted this guy who seems really positive. We then got some kebab
afterwards, even though it was pretty late, ha!
Using "the force" to stop the train |
Tors: We did a lot of contacting and tracting and had some
funny responses. Gosh, I love people sometimes haha. We later met up with F and S again. Keep in mind, this is in Swedish- she speaks broken Swedish, and G cant speak any Swedish, but I am communicating to them in my broken
Spanish. Let's just say this would be absolute chaos if this wasn't the true
church of God. And the language of the spirit is a lot more powerful:) We also
taught a couple about the importance of the Book of Mormon. Powerful. They are gonna begin to read every day together!
Fre: We met up with a new investigator. And for some reason it was
just the most awkward thing in the whole world. It was hilarious how weird it was, but in the end we were able to help him with English.
Lör: Wow, let me tell you, Saturday was unbelievable!! One of the greatest
days of my mission!! We had 5 really powerful lessons during the day and had a
blast. We also held a Halloween
party-Trunk or Treat- for the 3 wards that attend our church building and had a
great turnout. Our investigator and her 2 daughters came and loved it! I
was Harry Potter -it helped having the official tie and chocolate wand that mom sent from their trip to Harry Potter
World. We were in charge of Pin the Tag on the Missionary! It was a blast. We
went all out with it making sure the kids had a good time.
All Saints day at the cemetary |
Sön: D came to church and I translated for one of the lessons -it is always a good check on my
Swedish to do that. Things are looking great as we go forward into this next
So I said earlier about the zone conference, of president asking us to
give up something for the Lord. I thought long and hard about it for a couple of
days and decided that I want to give up my Pride. I want to stop contending with people when I thing I am right. I want to be able to support others in their
decisions, even when I have a different idea. Yes, of
course I will still stand up for the truth, but I
really just want to be more humble and submissive to the Lord. Every day, and
every week I learn so much more of the goodness of God in my life and in the
lives of those around. I can testify to you all with absolute clarity that this
is the true church of God. This is His work. It feels so amazing to be a part of
it. I love it. I love Him. I love you all, have a great week.
Äldste Johnson
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